UNICEF – Help a Friend #StaySafeOnline
February 2, 2017 8:03 am
Post a video of you dancing to the rap with your real buddy on our page with #StaySafeOnline. Lucky few will get featured on our page.
What would you do if a stranger knocks on your door? Watch this video to know how a friend request from a stranger can spell danger.
Are you a REAL friend? Watch this video to know how you can be a real friend & help your friend #StaySafeOnline.
Bullying hurts equally, offline and online. Watch this video to know how cyber bullying can change lives. Need help? Talk to a friend or call Childline 1098.
Recent Testimonials
Paras Johar | AVP & Client Services Director, GTB IndiaAugust 28, 2017 at 10:54 am
LisaJuly 13, 2016 at 12:51 am